This week was awesome! I think i am finally starting to get used to everything! Through the ups and the downs i really am enjoying it. I am just staying positive about everything and it really helps. Elder Fonnesbecks birthday was last thursday i made sure he got to blow out a candle haha i was going to sing him happy birthday but i dont think he wanted that haha! So i just gave him a hostess cupcake with a candle sticking out! Sacrament meeting yesterday was well a lot different haha we worked so hard during the week trying to get people to come and it finally payed off we had close to 50 it was awesome to see! Yesterday we went hiking it was so beautiful! The red rocks and the waterfalls and everything was so awesome! Unfortunately the post office is right next to the high school gym and just about everytime i walk passed i hear the sound of basketball! Shoes squeaking, ball dribbling, scoreboard buzzer. Its so terrible i want to play so bad! I finally get to today the whole district is getting together and were playing in chinle together! I forgot to tell you guys that Elder Yazzie is in my district haha i love him! Here is a cool story for you i guess back when president kimball was the prophet he spent a lot of time down her on the reservation! He said that satan presided so strong through here because he said that the gadianton robbers spent most of there time here and mostly right here in Lukachukai he said this is where they had there last stand! I thought that that was really cool! I will be honest that first week i struggled really bad but honestly i pulled out my patriarichal blessing and read it and it helped so much! I know exactly why im out here and ever since then i havent looked back i really am enjoying it now a lot. We had our first flat tire this week haha i guess the day i got here they put four brand new tires on the truck and well that lasted about 2 weeks haha. Its awesome and amazing you guys. Enjoy back home love you guys!
Love Elder Rushton

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