Monday, March 23, 2015

So this past week was a really good one there was a lot that went on!  On Thursday we had interviews with our mission president, President Batt!  Those happen about every 3 months! I really look forward to being able to sit down with President Batt because he is a great guy and there is a lot to learn from him!  So that was nice to be able to visit with him!  I love the fact that there are over 150 missionaries that president is over, but for 15 minutes, we get to sit down just one on one with him!  He really gave me a lot of great advice on how to finish my mission strong and how really these last couple months are what are going to determine how I live the rest of my life.  Also how it would set the course for the rest of my life!  It was great to be able to visit with him! We also had another fun experience this week when me and Elder Sparks were in bed at about11 p.m. at night and all of the sudden we got a huge loud knock at our door!  Well the thing out here on the reservation is, you never knock on peoples doors at night, especially at 11 pm at night.  So I got up out of bed and went to the door and looked out the window and there were 3 drunk guys trying to get into our house.  Ha-ha it was pretty scary cause I could hear them moving the door handle and trying to open the living room window!  But I decided instead of going outside and kicking them out I would just go back to bed!  So that’s what I did!  So then at 12 am we both wake up to the same thing again knocking and pounding on the door so we just stayed in bed until they finally left!  So finally we thought we were good so we went back to bed!  Then we woke up to pounding and a lot of wrestling with the door handle at about 1:30 at this point I was sick and tired of it.  I had to be the bad guy, I opened the door and scared the heck out of the two of them (there was only two of them this time idk where the other one went) and told them if they didn’t get out of our property they would be spending the night in jail!  Ha-ha it was funny watching them run away and falling every 5 feet!  After that we finally got some sleep!  It’s crazy the things we experience out here!  It was funny seeing the look on Elder Sparks face after I walked back into the room for the third time mad as I can be after I just yelled at them!  Don’t wake me up at 1 in the morning to a pounding on the door!  Anyway it was a great week and we saw a lot of people this week! You’re not going to believe this either, but we found some new less actives!  No new investigators but yep we found some new less actives!  So that was awesome anyway take care have a great week!

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