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The saddest faces you've ever seen! I think he needs some mail! |
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Hello Everyone,
So this past week was pretty good! Its funny last pday I remember Elder Carpenter saying "man its already pday dude were going to blink again and its gonna be pday again!" Well here we are he is right! Time is flying out here! This past week we had transfers and it looks like me and elder carpenter are both staying in winslow we are pretty excited about that! We have a lot planned for this next transfer to help our area out! Looks like Elder Kay is staying in the zone as well! Were pretty excited for him too because he will be training! I would do anything to be able to train again it would be so much fun! He is so lucky! We are pretty lucky all of our district leaders are staying district leaders so were excited about that! Elder Phillips, Elder Bunderson, and Elder Kay so that means this transfer should be great! Last Thursday we had the opportunity to go to Wide Ruins for there district meeting which that is Elder Bundersons district! Its was really cool because wide ruins is deep deep into the reservation they have one gas station and that is it! So there chapel or "meeting house" is an old beat up broken down house! Some of the windows to the house are boken out and there is holes in the floor! When we first got there we opened the door and walked in and found a huge blow snake lying In the corner staring at us! Once we got rid of that we could start district meeting haha it was so awesome! I think that is why I love the Navajo people so much is because they don't need these big fancy chapels and stuff honestly if you give them a place to meet they will love it just as much! There aren't to many people in the world today that are like that! The entire district meeting I was sitting there thinking man what other mission in the world meets in a place like this for district meeting! That is why I love my mission! Things are great I am loving every minute im excited to see what this next 6 weeks brings here in winslow! Anyway love you all take care and be safe!
Love Elder Rushton
Monday, July 21, 2014
Hello Everyone,
So this week really blew by fast! We did a back to back exchange this week and when you do those for some reason time flys by! So on Wednesday we went on exchanges with the Indian Well's Elders! I was able to stay in Winslow with Elder Poole, and Elder Carpenter went to Indian Wells with Elder Phillips! They are both two great elders! We learned a lot from them! One thing I was able to learn from Elder Poole is his teaching he is a great teacher he really knows how to slow things down so that the investigator can really understand! Then on Thursday we came back to winslow after district meeting and we exchanged with the Dilkon Elders! I was able to go back to the Rez :) and spend a night in Dilkon with my good old buddy Elder Kay while Elder Carpenter was in winslow with Elder McCarrey! I had a great time with Elder Kay! Its amazing to think that just 2 short years ago I really didn't like Elder Kay too much I mean since he did play for marsh valley in basketball haha jk! But no, it was fun to sit back and talk about basketball and talk about marsh valley and snake river! Honestly Elder Kay is a great missionary! He works super hard! One thing I noticed from him is he is truly out here for the right reasons! It was fun being out in Dilkon with him! We did a lot of tracting that day! Dilkon is very spread out so its not so much trying so find houses but pretty much just trying to find people period! haha There was this one road we took that looked like it hadn't been drove on for 2 years haha but I think the spirit prompted us to take it! haha but we did end up finding a house way back in and were able to knock on it! There is a saying that goes with our mission! It's "Most missions try to find people to teach! Our mission just tries to find people!" haha and that is so true I think back to my time in Lukachukai I knew everyone in that town, knocked on every single door there were days we were just trying to find people! Anyway things are great out here! I feel like I am learning and growing so much! Thanks for all you do!
Love Elder Rushton
Monday, July 14, 2014
Hello Everyone,
So things have been good down here in Winslow, AZ! The Heat has defiately been picking up! It almost reaches 100 everyday! We travel out on our bikes at about 10:00 am and by the time we come home at about 12:00 for lunch we are soaked in sweat its pretty gross but there is no way around it! haha It is definitely a lot different from what I am used too! So this past week we had a Zone Conference it was on Tuesday in Tuba City, AZ It was awesome to be able to take another road trip up there for that! We had to wake up at 4:30 and leave around 5:30 to get there on time the meeting started at 10:00 but since there are an hour ahead of us up there the meeting really started at 9:00 out time that is something that is very hard to get used to! The reservation goes by the normal time as back home but down here in winslow and Holbrook it is an hour behind! It makes it very hard telling the other missionaries what time there meetings start! haha The Zone Conference was great we were able to have President Batt and sister Batt there! There are awesome people I love to listen to what they have to say you can always see how much love they have for us by how they act! Very caring! We also had a lot of meetings within this last week! Here in the winslow zone we cover 2 different stakes! The Winslow Stake, and the Holbrook Stake! So this week Me and Elder Carpenter got to meet with the Winslow stake president on Thursday in Joseph City and then again on sunday morning early in Holbrook! There is a lot of information that we have to gather for that meeting and it takes so much time but when you are finally finished with those meetings it feels like such a relief! Winslow has really been picking up for our area! We are finding more and more investigators each and every day! Talking with Elder Fonnesbeck (my trainer) at zone conference he began to tell us how they have been finding like crazy through going to garage sales! So me and elder carpenter figured it wouldn't hurt why not try it! Wow it was amazing we went out Saturday morning and were able to meet so many cool people! We set 3 return appointments for people this week and they all are very interested! Honestly I now have a testimony of garage sales haha it was amazing to see how easy it was! The people immediately see your missionaries which starts them asking questions and immediately you can carry on a conversation from there and then its just a matter of asking if you can come back and visit with them next week! It was great! If you know of any other missionaries out there who are struggling to find tell them to go hit up garage sales every Saturday morning! I promise it will work! Plus you can find some great stuff! haha Anyway im doing great really just having a blast with elder carpenter and loving my mission I appreciate it more and more each day! Hope you all take care and continue to have a great summer!
Love Elder Rushton
Monday, July 7, 2014
Hello Everyone,
So oh man there is a lot to cover since I missed emailing last week this email today is going to be over the last two weeks! So For pday two weeks ago we were able to go to the movie theatre and watch ephraims rescue! Man was that weird walking into a movie theatre on your mission! haha but the owners are members and so they let us have it on Monday to watch that movie it was awesome! Free popcorn and drinks! The later in the week Elder Carpenter got invited out to dilkon (Which is in our zone) to speek in sacrament out there! Dilkon is a little town on the reservation (Elder Kay and Elder McCarrey cover it) Elder Carpenter used to serve there so it was cool to be able to go out there again! So they told Elder Carpenter he would have to give a little talk and then we would leave I was like awesome I don't have to speak! So we get out there and What ends up happening?? Well our other speaker cancelled so Elder Rushton will you speak for us today?? haha So I Just went with the flow! I love it I would have never been able to do anything like that before my mission but its amazing how I can just get up now and speak for 12 to 15 minutes without any notes or anything! It was definitely a good experience! So on this last Tuesday we were able to have MLC (mission leadership council) It was a great meeting I always love those! This time it was crazy since we are in winslow we one of the farthest areas away from the mission home so last Monday we had a 4 1/2 hour drive into Farmington! That's why I wasn't able to email last week! I love those drives though! That is the time that you and your companion just get to sit back and relax and just talk! It is so fun! On Monday night we stayed at the assistants house which was totally fun! Elder Anderson Lives with the assistants so I was able to see my MTC companion and best friend Elder Anderson on Monday night! It was fun to be able to be with him and talk about how we were hitting our year mark that week and all the memories we had! The next morning so Tuesday we had the mlc meeting! It was great I always come away from those so happy and excited to get to work! Then on Thursday and Friday we went on exchanges with Wide Ruins Elder Bunderson and Young they are 2 great elders! I love them to death! I was able to go to wide ruins and work with elder young for the day! It was great and I was able to learn a lot from him! That is the one great thing about being a zone leader is you get to do all these exchanges and learn from so many other great elders and apply what you have learned and take it and put it back into your area! It works great! On the 4th of July we were able to watch the fireworks because they lit them off right in front of our house! It was awesome! The Winslow fireworks were great! I love the fourth of july it has always been one of my favorite holidays its hard to believe ill be home for the next one! Anyway so it was a great week none the less! It is so hard to believe I have been out a year! I have learned so much and I know that I still have so much to learn! I love you all and have a great week!
Love Elder Rushton
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