Hello Everyone,
So lets just say i lost another one of my nine lives this week! haha Looks like im down to 7 left! We had a trailer inspection last week and they were checking our alarms and neither of them worked! So they put new batteries in them and left well as were getting ready to get into bed that night we both here the carbon monoxcide alarm going off! So we unplug it and really didnt think to much of it but we called the housing coordinators and told them and they told us get out of there immediately and go stay at our senior couples the rogers so we did we spent the night there for two days! Finally they were able to let us start staying in chinle which that is really nice (lots of room, big fridge, hot showers) ill take that anyday! So they took our furnace in to get it fixed and i guess the guy that checked it measured the parts per million of the carbon monoxcide and a normal furnace shoots out about 109 parts per million It becomes deadly at about 800 parts per million well our good old furnace was at 2400 parts per million! Honestly we should be dead there is no other way to put it! Its so scary to think i have been living in there for six months! Lets just say i will be making sure those batteries are working every night haha but no it just goes to show how much god protects his army because there is honestly no explanation why we are still alive other then god has something in store for both of us! We are feeling some of the after effects of the carbon monoxcide I have been having the worst headache for the last couple of weeks and it is still with me today we went to the doctor and got checked out they told us there is not much they can do and that the headaches will eventually go way and we will be ok! i just wish it would go away now it sucks so bad! Ibuprofen doesnt work so looks like i just have to deal with these headaches till they go away! With as much chaos that went on it was still a really good week we had 62 people at church which was awesome to see things are really starting to go up and its just been fun to see! I LOVE LUKACHUKAI it has been an awesome first area! I love you guys thanks for the thoughts and prayers as you can see they sure have helped! GOD SPEED!
Love Elder Rushton