Monday, February 23, 2015

Pretty cool photo!  Normal occurance to see horses wandering through the town.

Cole's bed is the one with the blue blanket on it.  

So this past week went by really fast!  It was a very busy week!  On Tuesday and Wednesday we decided to do exchanges with the Tolechi and Tohatchi Elders!  I went to Tohlechi and this time we did it with both Elder Lowe and Vickers!  Elder Sparks went with Tohatchi Elders, Elder Kuns and Gray!  Me and Elder Lowe and Vickers had a great day in Tolechi we had a lot of fun and I was able to meet some amazing people in their area!  I can really tell that hat branch really does appreciate those two elders!  Later in the week I had the chance to go one exchanges with the Zone leaders in Gallup!  We had a pretty good day!  We went tracting for a couple of hours and met and talked to a lot of people!  This week not much went on here in sheep springs!  We chopped a lot of wood once again!  We are really trying to be like Ammon in all that we do! I love the story of Ammon!  If we serve the people then they will know how much we care and the miracles in our area will continue to show!  I love my mission I think I tell Elder Sparks that every day that we have one of the best missions in the world!  It’s so unique and I know I have truly grown so much since I first came out here! Thanks for Everything!  Have a great week!  

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Found this puppy in a cave.  I wanted him so bad!
Awesome Hogan we found
Bum Lambs, aren't they so cute!
Feed my sheep!
Hello Everyone,

So this past week was busy but man was it fun!  So on Tuesday there was a big district leader training that took place in Farmington, NM! So we had the opportunity to ride up there I rode with another elder named Elder Collins!  He is a district leader in FT. Wingate!  It was a fun ride up there and we stayed the night on Monday night!  Tuesday we went to the meeting they really trained us on the things that new district leaders need to know!  Such as how to do a baptismal interview or how to hold district meetings!  It was funny I remember a part of the meeting where President Batt asked us to raise our hands if we have conducted at least 5 baptismal interviews there were quite a few that raised their hands then he asked how many of us conducted at least 10 the hands slowly started to go down!  Then he asked what about 20 haha me and my buddy Elder Craig were the only ones who still had our hands up!  It was crazy that is when I kind of realized how old I was getting out here! haha  It is really weird to be the older missionary now because my whole mission I have always felt like I was way younger than everyone else but now it’s changed!  Anyway,   this past week was a great week!  We had the opportunity to go on exchanges with the Tohatchi Elders!  I went with Elder Gray and Elder Sparks went with Elder Kuns!  Elder Gray and I had a great day, we double worked sheep springs so we had a lot of work to do!  I noticed on my exchanges that Elder Gray is a great teacher!  Elder Sparks and Elder Kuns had a miracle happen to them as well!  A couple of weeks ago me and Elder Sparks were out tracting and we were walking back to the truck which was just a couple miles back up the hill!  Anyway we came across this guy who was parked in his truck waiting for his daughter to get off the bus.  We stopped and talked to him.  He seemed very standoffish at the time so we just gave him a pass along card and went on our way!  Well, as it turns out Elder Sparks and Elder Kuns were out tracting near that area and they found that same guy!  They began talking with him outside and they had a good conversation for about 45 minutes!  The guy soon mentioned that his son had passed away just a week ago!  What a miracle in meeting the same guy and how prepared he was to receive the message just a few weeks later!  He ended up telling us he was baptized but hasn’t been to church since then.  So he is a member, he just hasn’t been for a while!  It’s the simple miracles like this that keep us moving as missionaries knowing that there are people out there ready to receive the message!  I hope you all have a great week, take care and be safe!  

Monday, February 9, 2015

So this past week was really good!  Last thursday we had a contest at district meeting I told the distrct that if they got a total of 40  people talked to that week that I would cook a big district lunch for them so, they ended up doubling that number and we ended up getting 82 in just one short week it was awesome I set the goal of 40 because I knew that they could totally reach it but they just blew me away when we got 82 so I was very proud of the work that they did this week! Our sacrament meeting attendance has been going up quite a bit lately and it has been really cool to see! That is one thing that I have really been seeing on my mission is the sacrament meeting when there are people coming to church that is when the branch is really doing good and when the work is really picking up!  We have this thing every Wednesday, its called branch night and the Relief Society always have an activity and the Young Women do but the men that night will go out and visit people in the branch that may be struggling or who may just need a visit!  Me and Elder Sparks usually split up when that happens so I either go with the Elders Quorum president or i go with the branch mission leader!  Those Wednesday night visits have been amazing its been so cool to see the reactivation that it can do!  I trully do have a testimony of home teaching now!  When you really go into members home and show them you care don't just fake it but truelly show them you care they will feel the love you have for them and it can make an impact in there conversion!  I'm loving sheep springs everything here is going great!  Have a great week!

Monday, February 2, 2015

So this past week we had a great one! We woke up one morning to about 3 to 4 inches of snow which doesn't seem like much compared to back home but down here it was a lot!  So that day we had a lot of fun in it!  The Tohatchi Elders said that they needed a lot of help that day with service so we went down there I guess we were supposed to insulate this guys house!  But it ended up falling through and we ended up chopping wood that day!  We got a little bored and being the young men we still are, broke out into a snowball fight haha it was fun then it led to us a building a big huge giant snow man!  It was a fun day!  Just before the snow hit we had the opportunity to help someone take down their shade house!  A shade house is a shed looking thing, that they build to have somewhere to keep cool in the summer time!  They always cook and eat inside the shade houses!  Anyway in the middle of taking the old shade house apart and getting ready to rebuild it back up I was hammering a log out and all up the sudden one of the big beams snapped and the entire shade house was falling right towards me I had to do a tuck and roll to get out of the way but I made it out safely lets just say I am running low on the number of lives I still have on my mission haha It was a fun project and I loved doing that!  I really enjoy stuff like that being able to use a nail and a hammer and build stuff!  Anyway later in the week me and Elder Sparks got a call from a lady in the branch and she needed help, helping her dog deliver puppies, so of course she calls the missionaries haha so we went over to help man that was nasty it was a little dog that had bread with a bigger dog so there was only one puppy and man that thing was hard to get outta there!  haha The things we do on our missions!  That was nasty though!  Anyway later in the week me and Elder Sparks had the chance to do some tracting so we went out and we did a lot of walking down this long dirt road knocking on a lot of doors we finally knocked on this one door and met a lady named Sophia we got talking with her and come to find out she told us that her mom had had a heart attack and had passed away 3 days earlier it was crazy to hear that!  We shared a scripture in the Book of Mormon and assured her that her mom was taken care of and in a good place!  We left her with the Book of Mormon and a chapter to read!  It is amazing to see how the Lord prepares people for us each day and how if we listen to the promptings close enough we will find them!  All in all it was a great week!